Productivity Improvement Applications

Productivity Improvement Applications (PIA) is a Software application based on a workflow management system. A Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) is associated with the implementation of PIA and we are sure that with the aid of our customizable workflow management system, you will be able to improve the productivity of your firm significantly.

Using this application the user can manage any kind of production system with the highest level of efficiency. The graphical workflow system aids the user to create any kind of workflow even with Quality check loops, decision branches, and even other complicated structures.

Also, this tool is able to show you the yield in relation to each of your projects.

Usually, we think all our projects are very profitable. Is this always true? Not necessarily. We can ensure that only by comparing the resource spent on each project and the revenue generated from it. Our tool includes a comprehensive analysis and reporting tool which gives you the net revenue of each project. Who knows, maybe this report will only show you that you are not deployed adequate resources to a critical project or you are overspending your resources on a project which adds nothing to your revenue.

This application is highly scalable and available as SAAS. For inquiries please mail us @ mail[@]